10 Herbs You Can Grow in Water at Home All Year Long for Endless Supply

Mother Nature has offered us so many herbs with a powerful health benefits and great flavor and it would be great if we can use them fresh throughout the entire year.

10 Herbs You Can Grow in Water at Home All Year Long for Endless Supply

This can be achieved if we grow them in our home; we are not saying that you should have a garden inside of your kitchen, but you can grow them in pots and thus have them all year round. Moreover, they will not require regular watering or change of soil as they will be grown in water.

This is the way how to grow herbs in water:

Place some herb cuttings in glass bottles, ora mason jar, or even a plastic bottle with plain water preferably spring water as it is rich in minerals. Avoid the use of chlorinated water because the content of bleaching chemical can harm the plant tissues. You can use tap water, but one that is left to air overnight or you can store some rainwater.

Avoid see-through bottles because the roots should not be exposed light, but instead choose colored bottles or simply wrap a piece of paper around the bottle. In this way there is no light and that will help in avoiding algal growth on the bottle and on the root. The best choice of bottles would be narrow-mouthed because they support the cuttings and keep them upright. But, do not use too narrow or tight-fitting ones because there has to be a free transition of air for the roots to be able to breathe.

Choose soft cuttings roots, and cut some 6-inch sections from the growing herbs. Place them in the chosen bottle and make certain to eliminate the lower leaves because they will rot in the water and thus spoil it.

Herbs like rosemary cuttings need a change of water once per week. Once the roots start growing there is no need of changing the water, and that would be within 2 to 6 weeks.

The rooting can get stimulated by a soothing hormone mixture which you can get by placing some willow branches in warm water overnight. If you have not willow branches, some rooting hormone powder will do the job as well.

10 Herbs Grown Indoors in Water
It is easily grown in water, just put its cuttings in water prior their flowering and then position the container in a place where there is enough sunlight.

Lemon balm
Pick several cuttings in spring or autumn, and then put them in water in a sunny place. In 3 to 4 weeks roots will grow from the cuttings. Make sure to change the water frequently, or if the weather is warm outside you can keep the plant outdoor. From the leaves of this herb you can prepare a delicious tea.

Put fresh oregano cuttings in water and pinch the growing tips once the herb starts to grow.

This is probably the easiest herb grown in water; all you need to do is to put a few fresh cuttings in water. Peppermint is rich in the volatile substance known as menthol which is the one that offers the cooling sensation on the skin or tongue and does not change the temperature.

Placethe semi-woody cuttings of rosemary in the designated container with water; have in mind that the root needs more time to grow, however the new shoots in the spring will grow faster. Make sure that your rosemary has enough sunlight.

Put stevia cuttings from actively growing branches in a container with water, and place it on a warm and sunny spot. In this way you will have always available stevia for your tea and beverage.

It is grown as same as peppermint, because peppermint is a natural hybrid of spearmint.

Take some sage cuttings in spring and put them in water. Keep it in a well-aerated place because it is susceptible to mildew, and on a bright place.

There are various types of tarragon, for instance, the French one is best for culinary purposes, and on the other hand the Russian is better for salads. Choose the one that suits you and use some spring cuttings after new growth appears. Position your herb where there is enough warmth and brightness.

In the beginning of summer or mid-spring (this is the time before flowering) pick newly grown, green cuttings, and then put them in water. In order to avoid drying you need to spray the parts which are above the water. Once it is grown, cut the stems in order to enhance the branching.

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